
Peter Lenken
Mobil: 0705–124758
Mail: peter.lenken@gmail.com

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One thought on “Kontakt

  1. Hi,

    Are you feel­ing the pinch from ris­ing employee ben­e­fit costs? At West­side Ben­e­fits, we under­stand and can help you turn things around.

    I’m Brad Stef­fens, and we spe­cial­ize in employee concierge ben­e­fits for com­pa­nies with 50 or more employ­ees. Many com­pa­nies like yours are unaware of pow­er­ful tax incen­tives that can lead to sig­nif­i­cant FICA sav­ings and reduced work­ers’ com­pen­sa­tion costs.

    Your HR team might find new IRS laws over­whelm­ing, and that’s where we come in. We ensure full com­pli­ance while fill­ing essen­tial health and well­ness needs for your employ­ees with­out alter­ing exist­ing coverage.

    Imag­ine offer­ing:
    – Vari­ety of new ben­e­fits that com­ple­ment cur­rent plans
    – Urgent Care app for crit­i­cal health deci­sions
    – Addi­tional life insur­ance cov­er­age up to $100K in Uni­ver­sal Life

    We’re offer­ing a com­pli­men­tary quote and a 30-minute con­sul­ta­tion to dis­cuss how you can save $500 to $700 per employee per year.

    Sched­ule Your Appoint­ment: https://bit.ly/getnewbenefits

    Best regards,

    Brad Stef­fens
    West­side Benefits

    P.S. Don’t miss out on tax incen­tive savings—act now!

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